Dear Brother/Sister: “Give
unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of
holiness.” -
Psalm 29:2 Praise the Lord!
I want to take this opportunity to invite you to the last
Northern Ohio District Young People’s Union of this year.
This meeting will be on Saturday, November 17, 2001, at Zion
Apostolic Faith Church in Akron, Ohio.
Service will begin at twelve o’clock noon.
Our speakers will be Elder Ralph Byrd, Jr. and Elder Andrew
Monteiro. There will be
anointed singing, teaching and preaching.
Don’t miss this last great service of the year. As we prepare for this meeting, I need you to support
us by coming to our district meeting and by the giving of your finances.
I am looking for you and your youth group to register at our
upcoming meeting. Registration is $1.00
for all ages. I am
asking all our youth presidents to turn in your church report either
before the meeting or at the meeting. The church reporting fee is $25 per meeting or $100 annually
(four meetings). Also,
I am asking every pastor and youth president to participate in our $20 sacrificial unity offering.
I thank you in advance because I know you will want to be apart
of this offering. If you need directions, please contact Sister Samona
Laury at I
look forward to seeing you in November. In The Master's
Service, |